Apply to be a Capital Fellow in California - deadline MON 2/13

I am writing to share with you the news that one of your graduates from University of Puget Sound was selected last spring to be part of the 2016-2017 class of Capital Fellows and should be applauded for being part of the current class.

Abigail Gore (Politics and Government and Molecular and Cellular Biology majors) is now a fellow in the California Senate Fellows

2016-2017 Class of Capital Fellows
The Capital Fellows Programs are administered by the Center for California Studies at California State University, Sacramento, and are an outstanding opportunity for college graduates to engage in public service and prepare for future careers. Fellows work 10-11 months as full-time staff members in the California State Assembly, California State Senate, California Executive Branch or the California Judiciary. They participate in policymaking, program development, and program implementation. Fellows gain first-hand experience in the governance and leadership of the most diverse, complex state in the nation.

The upcoming deadline for the 2017-2018 fellowship year is February 13, 2017 and applications and information can be found online at


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